Source: FishWatch
Author: Unknown
Bluefin Tuna
Alternative Names: Giant bluefin, Tunny
Monterey Bay Recommendation: Avoid. This fish has been pushed to endangered status by overfishing.
Uses in Cooking: This fish can be used in much the same way as the less endangered yellowfin tuna. Use Yellowfin instead.
Similar Fish: Yellowfin Tuna, Bigeye Tuna, Albacore Tuna
Description: This fish is similar to yellowfin tuna or Bigeye tuna, but much larger.
Fun Facts: Bluefin tuna could be the most inefficient protein that a human can eat. This fish needs to eat 15 lbs of other fish to produce 1 lb of tuna at the market, and these fish are typically carnivorous fish that have eaten a ton of herbivores that have eaten tons of plants and autotrophs. By contrast, a chicken takes about 2 lbs of vegetable matter to make 1 lb of meat.